Be a Master Composter with SWRC

courtesy of the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council

The SWRC provides compost education known as the Master Composter program. In this program, local volunteers are trained in home compost techniques as well as presentation skills so that they can then run compost education programs in their communities. While people can pay for their own training, generally, the municipality pays for this training. Trained Master Composters donate a set number of hours working on composting programs in their community.

Residents of Saskatoon have access to free lessons, workshops, and compost information through the Compost Coach program. The Saskatoon Compost Coaches are a volunteer group coordinated by the SWRC and paid for by the City of Saskatoon.

Master Composter training sessions generally involved a weekend in which volunteers are given a combination of in-depth instruction and hands-on training. The course includes an up-to-date book on household composting (the exact title varies from year to year), our Master Composter manual, and copies of our different composting pamphlets. The SWRC’s Compost Education Coordinator, Lisa Howse, organizes this training along with other Master Composters.

Once trained, Master Composters can be directed to a variety of activities to carry out their time commitment. These depend on the preferences of the municipality and the volunteers' own personal interest areas. Some have arranged composting education sessions for their local churches, community gardens, or other community groups. Some staff booths at gardening shows, while others education their neighbours or offer home consultation visits. The SWRC can help with ideas of what might work best for your community.

Please contact at for more information or pricing details.

The Saskatoon Compost Coaches
The Saskatoon Compost Coaches are a volunteer group coordinated by the SWRC and paid for by the City of Saskatoon. Residents of Saskatoon can ask the Compost Coaches for advice or a free home visit. Messages are returned within one business day.
Phone: (306) 931-3249
Facebook: Saskatoon Compost Coaches