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Find us on Facebook and Instagram
Our Gardening at USask Facebook and Instagram page post multiple times a week on topics that are important, right now, to your garden. If you are having an issue with an insect, disease, or plant odds are good other people are too. In addition to timely information, we also keep you up to date on new research, coming events, upcoming courses, and hort job opportunities. Check us out to see if we have something posted to help you or search our feed by clicking the magnifying glass.
Do you have a question? Ask Gardenline Online
Since 1973, Gardenline has been answering your personal questions. What began as a simple phone service has changed dramatically over the years as we’ve adopted emerging technology and responded to current needs. Once again, it’s time for renewal. We’ve grown here at Gardening at USask and demand for Gardenline has grown too. Between May and September of 2023, we answered 1,714 personal questions and created hundreds of posts on social media, with a combined reach of over 10 million. Our website reaches hundreds of thousands more people annually.
To make sure we have enough dedicated time to offer exceptional personal service to our higher needs community, we’re changing how we answer Gardenline Online questions. Here’s what’s changing:
- We will continue to accept all of your questions on our website. Just like in a regular classroom, we’ll now answer selected questions publicly so everyone can benefit from the exchange. Since gardening is a seasonal activity, we tend to see patterns in people’s questions. We will post answers to topical questions on our social media and on our website.
- Some garden problems are more pressing than others. We will continue to prioritize high need questions for personal service.
- We’re starting a new section on our website called “Ask Gardenline” where we can post answers to the most common questions asked so you have help, right when you need it.
- Still can’t find the answer to your question? We’re launching a regular “Ask Gardenline” live zoom where we update you on current garden tasks, identify emerging issues, and answer your most pressing questions. You can submit your questions in advance or ask them during the show.
We remain committed to supporting gardeners around the world. While we can’t answer every individual question, we will always offer personal support to those of us who need a bit extra help.
Gardenline is open from May 1 - September 30, 2024
Every question you send to Gardenline must include a significant amount of information.
How we use your information:
- Your personal information such as your name, contact information and location is never shared with anyone.
- Your location information is required because location matters when it comes to plant diagnosis, plant or insect identification, plant recommendations and many other aspects of gardening.
- We use aggregate information about location for program planning and funding purposes. This aggregate information is never linked to individuals.
You will not be able to submit photos when you submit your question.
Photos are extremely helpful. If we need photos, we will contact you by email with instructions about which photos we need and how to send them. Tips for submitting good photos:
- Use high resolution photos so that we can zoom in to see detail. (maximum size of 5MB each)
- Photos should be in focus.
- Send a maximum of 5 photos.
- For small subjects such as insects or plants, it helps to include an object in the photo such as a ruler, coin or pen to give an indication of scale.