Dr. F. Barry Brown is Professor Emeritus and former Head of the Departments of Curriculum Studies and Educational Communications and Technology in the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan. Barry began beekeeping as a hobby in 1973 with two hives. After retirement he scaled up to a commercial level operation. He currently is operating about 1000 beehives situated near Langham and Borden. He enjoys teaching and mentoring new beekeepers.
Chet Neufeld is the Executive Director of the Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan. He works on a variety of projects including teaching workshops across the province and is a contributor to Gardener for the Prairies magazine.
Helen has been at the University of Saskatchewan since 2017. During the growing season she operates Gardenline, where she answers questions from the public, and writes for the website and social media. She is kept busy working on a variety of special projects at the university over the winter months. She holds her Prairie Horticulture Certificate from the University of Saskatchewan and is a Master Gardener as well. Helen hasn’t met a plant she doesn’t like and grows a little of everything (actually a lot of everything) indoors and out, at her home in Saskatoon.
Jackie Bantle BEd, BSA (Horticulture major) has been working in horticulture at the University of Saskatchewan for the last 26 years. With 15 years of vegetable research experience and 10 years managing the USask Agriculture Greenhouse, Jackie loves to share her broad horticulture knowledge and experiences with anyone who will listen but more importantly, she acknowledges that she gains much more from listening to her students and other horticulturists than what she is able to provide.
Kim Ross is a fifth generation farm girl who spent her summers picking pea's in her mother's garden and travelling the prairie land around the farm with her Grandparents looking for the best saskatoons to pick. Producing food was a way of life and it's a tradition Kim continued with her own children! From her 26,000 square foot no till garden that produces vegetables, fruit and fresh herbs, to producing vegetables all winter long, Kim is an avid grower that enjoys sharing with other gardeners. Kim is a Master Gardener and is working on her Prairie Horticulture Certificate in both the Greenhouse Crop production and Vegetable and Fruit Production streams.
Lisa Howse is the Compost Education Coordinator with the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council (SWRC), a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people and organizations make less garbage. The SWRC also coordinates the Saskatoon Compost Coaches on behalf of the City of Saskatoon. Lisa is passionate about reducing waste, protecting the environment and building healthy soil.