Freezing fruit

Medium term storage

 Freezing Fruits 

  • Select fruits at ideal maturity. You want them ripe but firm, not bruised, overripe or beginning to spoil.
  • Berries, sour cherries and rhubarb freeze the best.
  • Pears and sweet cherries become too soft on thawing so consider using them in a recipe instead.
  • Peaches, apples and apricots require ascorbic acid treatment to prevent discoloration.
  • Wash fruit thoroughly and then pack unsweetened or use either a dry sugar pack, dry pack with ascorbic acid, syrup pack or syrup pack with ascorbic acid.
  • Blueberries, cranberries, currants, gooseberries, rhubarb and saskatoons freeze well without sugar or syrup. Freeze in premeasured quantities.
  • Fruits may be stored for 1 year at -18°C

Prevent browning with natural preservatives

Some fruits brown during frozen storage (ie. apples, peaches, apricots).  This can be avoided by adding natural preservatives such as salt, sugar, or lemon juice/ascorbic acid.  Fruit can also be packed in sugar syrup to prevent browning.

Table 1: Measurements for different concentrations of sugar syrup

Type of syrup





250 ml

500 ml

About 650 ml

Moderately thin

250 ml

400 ml

About 550 ml


250 ml

250 ml

About 375 ml


250 ml

200 ml

About 325 ml

Table 2: Preparing and packing fruits





Pies & puddings: peel, core, slice


Pack in dry sugar using 50 ml sugar to 1 L fruit

Sweeten if desired and pack cold


Pudding or as fruit: halve and pit

Pies: cut in quarters and pit

Pack in moderately thin syrup

Pack in dry sugar using 175 ml sugar to 1 L fruit



Pack without sugar


Halve, remove seeds and soft fiber.  Cut in 2 cm cubes or balls

Pack in dry sugar using 125 ml sugar to 1 L fruit

Cherries (sour)


Pack in dry sugar using 250 ml sugar to 1 L fruit; or pack in heavy syrup to cover

Currants, Cranberries, Saskatoons


Pack without sugar or syrup

Fruit juices

Extract juice for jelly making

Pack without sugar

Fruit salad/fruit cocktail

Prepare as individual fruit

Pack in thin syrup to cover


Remove stems and blossom ends

Pack without sugar or syrup


Dip in boiling water ½ - 1 min, then in cold water. Remove skins and pits. Slice

Pack in moderately thin syrup to cover; or pack in dry sugar using 175 ml sugar to 1 L fruit


Halve and pit

Pack in dry sugar using 175 ml sugar to 1 L fruit; or pack in thin syrup to cover


Leave whole

Pack in dry sugar using 175 ml sugar to 1 L fruit; or without sugar


Cut stalks in 3 cm lengths

Make into sauce

Pack without sugar

Sweeten to taste and pack cold


Leave whole, cut in quarters or slice

Leave whole

Pack in dry sugar using 125 ml sugar to 1 L whole berries, or 175 ml sugar to 1 L quartered or sliced berries

Pack without sugar.

Ref: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. (1990). Freezing Foods. Food Advisory Services. Canada Department of Agriculture.