Stretching food

Making the most out of the food you have

Extending food

If you don't have a big budget, it's important to make the gorceries you have go as far as possible. The articles in this section cover tips and tricks for stretching a little bit of Produce, Meat, Starches and Dairy into filling and satisfying meals.





Preserving food

No one likes wasting food, especially on a tight grocery budget, but things happen and sometimes we're just unable to use up all of the perishable ingredients in our kitchen. The resources in this section go over ways to preserve commonly wasted ingredients, like Produce and Meat, and the Other tab covers what to do with your extra leftovers and dairy! These tips are especially useful for bulk grocery shopping and batch cooking, and for figuring out what to do with a big harvest from the garden.

If you've got produce to store or preserve, Gardening at USask has all the resources you'll ever need!

Thank you!

Food is Too Expensive! was funded by the City of Saskatoon through our Healthy Yards partnership, the Cyril Capling Trust Fund of the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, and the Department of Plant Sciences. Focus group research to inform this work was collected by CHEP. Thank you all for helping us make healthy food more accessible!