
Althea sp.

Hollyhocks are a very diverse lot, available in nearly every colour except blue.  They can be annual, biennial, or short lived perennials. Even the annuals self sow freely enough that most people aren't sure what type they have. While they do sow freely, they aren't invasive. 

Hollyhocks range from smallish plants of about 2 ft. to giants that can be 8 or 9 ft. tall. They want full sun, average soil with good drainage, and a little protection from the wind. Bees and hummingbirds love them and they are best introduced to the garden via a direct sowing.

There are two types of people in the world- those who can grow hollyhocks and those who cannot. We don't recommend buying hollyhocks from the perennial section at your favourite garden center. They rarely flower the first year and they seldom survive the winter. It's more practical to gather a handful of seeds (you can find hollyhocks in at least one back alley in your town) and sow them in fall where they are to flower. They should germinate in the spring.