Tips for buying seedlings
Don't buy the biggest, prettiest plants!
Annual flower or vegetable seedlings are a great way to get your garden started in our short Prairie growing season. Here are some tips:
- look for plants that are bushy and short - “leggy” and long plants may be short on sunshine and long on fertilizer
- if all the seedlings are in the same sized container don't buy the biggest plant, buy the one with the most balanced above and below ground ratios
- invest in plants grown in larger containers – these may be more expensive, but a large, robust root system gives better results in the long run
- gently remove the plant out of the pot and look at the roots – avoid packed root balls that are girdled or circling the pot – also avoid ones with rot
- if you are buying annuals, choose plants that have not flowered yet
- be brave and trim back the tips of your seedlings when you plant – this will result in fuller plants
- if you're buying seedlings, avoid plants that are covered in blooms. This is energy expensive work for the plant - you want it spending that energy growing, not flowering, right now!