No till in raised beds
No till gardening is a system of gardening where the soil is mulched to prevent soil erosion, conserve water and reduce the pressure of weeds. A raised urban garden bed can benefit from no till gardening.
A raised bed is simply a soil bed raised up by a supporting structure. This type of garden is perfect for small yards, areas with poor soil or for those with mobility issues.
When raised beds are constructed, the bottom should remain open to the soil so the soil's microorganisms can work their way up into your raised bed. There is no need to line the base with cardboard or landscape fabric as this will inhibit the building of healthy soil.
We do not recommend using treated wood while building raised beds as the chemicals used to treat the wood can leach into the soil. To fill the beds, use top soil rather than soilless media. A layer of compost can be added to the top of the bed prior to adding mulch to the top.
A no till raised bed garden is a fantastic lawn replacement in your yard. Beds can be built to accommodating heights for anyone with mobility issues. This reduces the amount of work in the space and provides nutritious food!
A raised bed allows for anyone with physical challenges to continue gardening. The bed can be built to accommondate a wheel chair or can be built high enough that bending down is not necessary to work the garden space. Topping with mulch will help reduce watering and weeding needs as well.