No till in flower gardens
No till gardening is a system of gardening where the soil is mulched to prevent soil erosion, conserve water and reduce the pressure of weeds. No till in flower gardens will reduce watering.
Utilizing no till gardening in flower gardens will reduce the amount of watering our flowers need over summer. The use of mulch and improvement in soil health will ensure the blooms are not affected by inconsistent watering.
Utilizing no till gardening in flower gardens will reduce the amount of weeding in your flower garden. Mulch suppresses annual weed growth which will reduce the number of weeds that grow. If you are getting weeds in your flower garden, simply top up your mulch so the weeds cannot grow through.
Mulched beds can help outline "rooms" in your landscaping. Using natural mulches will help eliminate the need for tidying up the mulch as falling leaves will blend into natural colours than a coloured mulch. A brown leaf on a black mulch will show up and look messy but a brown leaf on a neutral coloured mulch will not show up. In addition, coloured will warm up soils faster than neutral coloured. This can cause the plant roots to be too hot to function properly.
The smaller the container, the smaller the mulch size can be. Use animal wood shavings in flower pots to conserve water in your flower displays. Animal wood shavings only work in containers, in larger flower beds, arborist wood chips or post peelings are recommended.